If you’re unhappy with your smile, it could be down to overcrowding and misalignment.

Not only can misaligned teeth cause some issues with the bite and make it harder to keep overlapping teeth properly clean and healthy, but they can also have a damaging effect on the patient’s smile confidence. We should all be able to feel happy and confident about our smiles – at least that’s what we believe and strive for at 23 Dental. Luckily, there’s a way to straighten out the teeth in a subtle, comfortable, and practically invisible way with Invisalign®.

invisalign thumb


  • Clear, virtually invisible
  • Smooth and comfortable
  • Removable & easy to clean
  • Eat anything you want
invisalign thumb

Traditional Braces

  • Wires and brackets
  • Can decorate with colours
  • Colours can be changed at every visit
  • Non removable

We’re proud to be working with Invisalign® to bring our patients straighter, happier smiles, and love that it means we can help transform your smile in comfort and style.

The Step-by-Step Process

  1. Book your consultation.
  2. Create your bespoke plan with one of our highly informed team members.
  3. Get your appointment booked in.
  4. Show off and enjoy your brand-new smile.
In Person Consultation

Smile Gallery

Smile Gallery



Images by Invisalign®

Smile Gallery



Images by Invisalign®

Smile Gallery



Images by Invisalign®

Smile Gallery



Images by Invisalign®

Comparison with Invisalign® vs other treatments

Other clear aligners

Traditional braces

Made from SmartTrack material


In-person consultations with real dentists


Easily removable for eating, drinking & flossing*


No emergency visits for broken wires


Virtually invisible


Made from traditional brackets and wires


Each aligner is trimmed to your gum line for optimal comfort and appearance**


Blue compliance indicator dots to help you stay on track


Covered by many orthodontic insurance plans


Made from SmartTrack material


Easily removable for eating, drinking & flossing*


No emergency visits for broken wires


Made from traditional brackets and wires


Each aligner is trimmed to your gum line for optimal comfort and appearance**


Blue compliance indicator dots to help you stay on track


Covered by many orthodontic insurance plans


Easily removable for eating, drinking & flossing*


No emergency visits for broken wires


Made from traditional brackets and wires


Covered by many orthodontic insurance plans


In-person consultations with real dentists


Virtually invisible


Covered by many orthodontic insurance plans

In Person Consultation

Five reasons why you should choose us for your Invisalign® treatment

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Award-winning customer service

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Free initial consultation

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Teeth whitening worth £500, included for free

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£500 worth of removable retainers, included for free

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Beautiful teeth in as little as three months, using safe cosmetic braces

In Person Consultation

What can Invisalign® fix?

invisalign before after

Crowded teeth

Crowded teeth is a condition where you do not have enough room for your teeth to fit normally. This can cause plaque or tartar and other harmful bacteria to build up as it is harder for you to brush and floss well.

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Gaps between teeth

Gaps between teeth is when there is extra space between two or more of your teeth. This can cause pockets between your teeth and gums and can cause food to get stuck making them tender and sore. This might also lead to gum disease.

invisalign before after

Open bite

An Open bite is when your upper and lower teeth don't touch when you close your mouth. An open bite can make it hard for you to chew or difficult to bite even the most common of food like apples.

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An underbite is when you close your mouth and your lower front teeth are in front of your upper teeth. In many cases, this is actually a problem with your lower jaw being too far forward. An underbite can make it hard to chew properly and speak clearly, and it might cause your teeth to wear down more quickly.

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An overbite is when your upper front teeth overlap with your lower front teeth. Most people have at least a little overbite. When your overbite is too large, your doctor might tell you you have a deep bite. This can cause problems, from your teeth wearing down to pain in your jaw.

invisalign before after


A crossbite is when you close your mouth and yet some of your upper teeth are sitting inside your lower teeth rather than on the outside. A crossbite can make your teeth wear down or chip. It can also make your gums start to recede or make little notches above your gum line. This kind of damage can lead to painful gum problems or even bone loss.

In Person Consultation


from £ 3350
  • Free initial consultation
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Invisalign® Express

from £ 3350
  • Free initial consultation
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Invisalign® Lite

from £ 3350
  • Free initial consultation
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Free virtual 3D scan

We can create a 3D image of your teeth in just minutes using an iTero scanner, a leading digital scanner from the makers of Invisalign® clear aligners.

Scan Image
itero logo

Got questions? We’ve got answers:

1. How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign is a very simple process that can be achieved in just a few easy steps:

  1. At a consultation, we’ll take a 3D scan of the mouth and be able to show you how your smile will look by the end of the treatment.
  2. Your Invisalign aligners will be made for you off-site.
  3. You’ll come into the practice to receive your aligners which you’ll proceed to wear for two weeks before switching them out for the next set of aligners.
  4. You’ll be able to show off your straight smile with pride!

2. Are Invisalign aligners removable?

Yes, you can remove your aligners to eat and to clean your teeth.

3. How long does the treatment take?

The exact length of treatment time varies from patient to patient and is dependent on the position of your teeth at the start of the treatment, and the complexity of each case. However, most patients wear their Invisalign for 6-12 months.

4. Do I have to wear my aligners every day?

Yes, in order for the treatment to work properly, you must wear your aligners every day for 20-22 hours. You can remove them for special occasions, but we would recommend doing this as little as possible in order to achieve the results you want in the projected timescale.

5. What’s the difference between Invisalign and traditional braces?

Traditional braces are much more noticeable to other people, and much less comfortable for the patient. The brackets are attached to the surface of the teeth and cannot be removed other than by an orthodontist. They’re also much harder to keep clean, meaning that your oral hygiene can be put at risk. Invisalign are practically invisible to other people and can be removed for easy cleaning of both the aligners and the teeth. There are also fewer visits to the practice, as you don’t need to come into have brackets tightened – instead, you’ll simply swap out your aligners for a new set every couple of weeks.

6. Is Invisalign painful?

Invisalign shouldn’t cause the patient any pain. They are, in fact, much more comfortable than traditional braces as there are no brackets, reducing friction and easing tension.

7. Will I have to wear a retainer?

We recommend wearing a retainer after Invisalign treatment. This is to prevent the teeth from moving back into their original position and to help you keep your happier, straighter smile for longer!

In Person Consultation

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  • location 23 - 25 Market Place
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  • Snaith
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  • DN14 9HE
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